Seafarer Maritime Training

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Need a Recreational Boat Licence or a Jet ski Licence?.
Look no further ourĀ TRAINER & ASSESSOR: Ed Gibson will be conducting the majority of the courses and assessments. Ed holds a Master 5, Marine Engine Driver Grade 2, Offshore Yacht Master along with his Trainer & Assessor qualifications.
Ed is a AMSA assessor for commercial qualifications as well. Along with the recreational licensing courses he teaches an array of commercial courses through the YBI RTO out of Bundaberg. 'RTO 31116' He is a hghly experienced mariner and dive master and has travelled over 85,000nm at sea.
Our recreational boat and jet ski license course is conducted within the regulations of Boatsafe Queensland.


Online Theory - Recreational Boat License: $30
Online Theory - Recreational Jet Ski License: $30
Online Theory - Combined Boat & Jet Ski: $50
Practical Assessment - Recreational Boat License: $300
Practical Assessment - Recreational Jet Ski License: $300
Combined Practical Assessment - Boat & Jet Ski: $500
Reassessment fee of $100 includes training and assessment
Online theory course should take you approximately 4-5hrs at home
Theory exam and Practical Assessment will take approximately 4-5 hours. Before undertaking your Practical Assessment of your BoatSafe course it is recommended that you gain some on water experience with a competent and licensed recreational boat driver.

If you have any questions please emailĀ

For detailed information CLICK LINK BELOW

Seafarer Training